Thursday, March 28, 2019

Mobile Marketing is the Wave of the Future

 Without a doubt the Internet change the world, and begin a process that would eventually involve an even greater form of communication, mobile marketing. Mobile is a channel for instant accessibility, with statistics and projections that state the amount of mobile users continues to increase at an exponential rate.

If you are a company or product owner in today's marketplace, and you desire continued success, mobile marketing cannot be ignored, instead embraced as a way to increase your company or brand awareness. It doesn't matter if you are a national or local business; mobile marketing has functions that can increase your bottom line, if used properly, which are called mobile strategies.

In order to capitalize on mobile marketing, there are several steps involved, was step one being pre-planning.

The pre-planning stage is the gathering of information and brainstorming of your ideas. Exactly what does your business hope to accomplish with mobile marketing, and even more important what do your customers want. Once this is strategized, the next step is figuring out how then where, and then moving forward with your plan. Once you've given clearest thought to these questions, you will begin to have a clearer idea of execution, and exactly what the next stages need to be. A few of the concepts involved with mobile marketing are: compelling content, the ability to retrieve it instantly, and to make the information insightful and relevant to your customers.

The next step, or step two is the infrastructure: this is the phase where you will consider how to implement your mobile marketing strategies, how you will be listed locally and what you will deliver to the search engines. This is a time when you will begin to claim your online social identity, sharing there are certain points and elements in place. It is imperative that you identify and build upon social signals such as Facebook and Twitter, blending those to better enhance and convey your message. This is also the time to ensure that your business has the capabilities, to handle and satisfied your mobile traffic, it would do no one any good, to offer a special benefit to mobile customers, then failed to notify your employees of same.

Step three moves you towards a mobile website: while there are many platforms that are dynamic, meaning they will change depending on how they are access, either via a PC or smart phone, it is crucial that you have a mobile website that is relevant and easy to navigate. Once this is in place, not only will your business or brand be more accessible to mobile customers, you'll also have the ability to gather feedback and user statistics, that can help you alter your strategy, if necessary, in the future.

Step four is implementing promotions and updates: if a customer looks at your mobile website, they want to immediately be presented with the most relevant information, for instance a daily special, or coupon. It is imperative that you let existing customers know that you are now using mobile to enhance their shopping experience, this might be implemented with QR codes, Facebook pages, e-mail and or print advertising.

Step five would be to consider a mobile application: a mobile application (termed app), can be an effective and interesting way for customers to interact with your business or brand. These apps, reside on a customer's smart phone, and can be quickly and easily updated, which can improve your overall interaction with customers. By doing this, your ideas and concepts can remain fresh and appealing, hopefully increasing your customer appreciation, and increasing your traffic flow.

The savvy business owner, or marketing expert, realizes that smart phone usage will only continue to increase. By realizing this, the mobile market or can best take advantage of modern day technology.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Mobile Marketing Is The Next Big Thing

 For a long time, search engine marketing was presented as the greatest form of marketing and it was true. People search the Internet and Google when they are looking for a service based business more often than they do the Yellow Pages or a local news paper. Matter of fact, many major newspapers are going bankrupt because fewer businesses are using them to advertise their services. TV, radio and Internet are the 3 biggest and most successful ways to Internet a business. 

Billboards are also great but they limit your exposure to only people who drive by them. To that effect TV commercials and radio give exposure by repetition and the goal is for someone to remember your ad when they see or hear your commercial. That last sentence explains why Internet marketing and now mobile marketing are superior forms of marketing. Whereas these other forms of marketing require for someone to remember or see you ad when they are in need of your service, Mobile marketing allows you to reach a customer at their point of need. 

Point of need is when someone wakes up in the middle of night with a mainline pipe break with water gushing everywhere and the longer this water runs the more money it is going to cost them. Radio and TV are no good at that time because they need help NOW. What most people will do is jump on their smart phone and look for an emergency plumber who works 24/7. This is point of need and mobile marketing has this covered.

Point of need isn't only relegated to emergency situations, it also covers whenever someone needs an answer in present time. This could be when they are searching for a restaurant or something entertaining to do. The popularity of smart phones has made it so that almost everyone has a search engine in their pocket. You have to have enough of an Internet presence to be found when they need your service or that money will go to your competitors.

Even if you are already running an Internet marketing campaign, your site has to be optimized for mobile phone users because not all internet sites render well on mobile phones. Smart businesses are having mobile extensions of their website created just for smart phone users. Businesses who do this are going to receive more business from mobile marketing than people with sites that don't render well on mobile phones.

As you can see, the marketing world has changed, not only must you have a superior internet presence, you also have to ensure that your web assets render well on mobile phones. 

With more people using smart phones to access the Internet than traditional computers, you have to market to these web user. You have to be easily found when they are at their Point Of Need. The company who can be found when there is a need will rule the market place and earn more money than their less prepared competition.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Mobile Marketing is a Great Way to Increase Sales Your Retail Business

If you own a business you already know who your target customers are. These are the people that you design your ads to appeal to and motivate. You probably understand what "rings their bells" and what motivates them.

Mobile marketing is a great way to reach your target audience with your specific message. We have written down a few suggestions about mobile marketing that will help you understand how a mobile campaign can increase sales for your business.

First, your campaign must appeal to the local people in your area. You understand that people often go out shopping without a clear understanding of where they are going or exactly what they are after. Often times they pull out their smartphones and try to figure out where to go as they are on their way. These people are generally in a hurry and don't want to spend a lot of time time trying to find a store that appeals to them.

To reach these people your initial campaigns must be built around the keywords your target audience is using to search for these products in your city or town. For instance: "Mens boat shoes in Cleveland" or "leather handbag stores in Miami." This takes a little practice but you will soon learn to master your keyword selection. People are searching on their mobile devices all the time, so you can see this is a vast pool of potential customers.

A great way to develop customer loyalty is through a mobile text campaign. Offer every customer the opportunity to join your mobile text list. Offer them an incentive to join, such as a free gift or a deep discount coupon. Let them know that regular discounts are one of the perks of being on remaining on the list. When someone joins your campaign make sure you reward them quickly and let them know how much you appreciate their business.

You have probably noticed that more and more businesses are starting customer loyalty programs. Why? Because they work! Let the people who have joined your mobile text campaign know that their loyalty will be rewarded. Once a week send out a text offering them a special discount on a popular item in the store. Or, you might invite them to a closed store sale --- a sale open only to loyal mobile text campaign members.

Another suggestion is to send a text message when a new hot item comes in that is highly in demand. Let your list members know that you are telling them first. The important thing is to make sure each text contains something of value for your customers. Don't send out straight ads and don't spam your customers. One or two texts a week is the maximum.

These days all retail businesses should include mobile marketing as part of their advertising strategy. It is a great way to reach new customers and even a better way to reward returning customers. When your customers feel you care about them, they will be back! Yes, mobile marketing can be used to increase sales for any retail store --- even yours!