If you own a business you already know who your target customers are. These are the people that you design your ads to appeal to and motivate. You probably understand what "rings their bells" and what motivates them.
Mobile marketing is a great way to reach your target audience with your specific message. We have written down a few suggestions about mobile marketing that will help you understand how a mobile campaign can increase sales for your business.
First, your campaign must appeal to the local people in your area. You understand that people often go out shopping without a clear understanding of where they are going or exactly what they are after. Often times they pull out their smartphones and try to figure out where to go as they are on their way. These people are generally in a hurry and don't want to spend a lot of time time trying to find a store that appeals to them.
To reach these people your initial campaigns must be built around the keywords your target audience is using to search for these products in your city or town. For instance: "Mens boat shoes in Cleveland" or "leather handbag stores in Miami." This takes a little practice but you will soon learn to master your keyword selection. People are searching on their mobile devices all the time, so you can see this is a vast pool of potential customers.
A great way to develop customer loyalty is through a mobile text campaign. Offer every customer the opportunity to join your mobile text list. Offer them an incentive to join, such as a free gift or a deep discount coupon. Let them know that regular discounts are one of the perks of being on remaining on the list. When someone joins your campaign make sure you reward them quickly and let them know how much you appreciate their business.
You have probably noticed that more and more businesses are starting customer loyalty programs. Why? Because they work! Let the people who have joined your mobile text campaign know that their loyalty will be rewarded. Once a week send out a text offering them a special discount on a popular item in the store. Or, you might invite them to a closed store sale --- a sale open only to loyal mobile text campaign members.
Another suggestion is to send a text message when a new hot item comes in that is highly in demand. Let your list members know that you are telling them first. The important thing is to make sure each text contains something of value for your customers. Don't send out straight ads and don't spam your customers. One or two texts a week is the maximum.
These days all retail businesses should include mobile marketing as part of their advertising strategy. It is a great way to reach new customers and even a better way to reward returning customers. When your customers feel you care about them, they will be back! Yes, mobile marketing can be used to increase sales for any retail store --- even yours!
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